As soon as you complete your order, our online processing system will send you the order confirmation that will include your order number and a link to your order status page. If any of the information is incorrect, please email us at
When you receive tracking information for your order, that means it is boxed and ready to be picked up by FedEx. Once a package is scanned by FedEx you will begin to see it in transit and the estimated delivery date will be updated.
Please note it may take a few days for your mattress to be built, boxed, scanned and picked up by FedEx.
If you have any questions or concerns about your order please feel free to contact us at
Understanding FedEx Tracking Terminology:
- “Label created” - means that we have boxed up your order and it is ready for FedEx - Ground pickup. Please disregard the expected ship date and delivery date on the FedEx label as those are only an estimate.
- “In transit” - means that FedEx picked up your order and it is on its way to the shipping address on record. Delivery date is now accurate (barring any unforeseen circumstances such as severe weather conditions, mechanical problems with trucks, etc.). During this time, if you would like to change the delivery date for reason, you can contact FedEx at 1-800-463-3339 and schedule a different delivery date free of charge.
- “Delivered” - means that FedEx has delivered your order to the shipping address on record. The label will show the exact date and time your order was delivered.
To learn more about how to track FedEx deliveries please visit Tracking and managing your FedEx deliveries.
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